Water damage is the most common repair we handle at OmniDataPlus. If your phone or laptop has been soaked, time is crucial to prevent further damage. Follow these steps:

  1. Don’t Turn It On: If your device is on, shut it down immediately. Avoid pressing any buttons or keys.
  2. Remove the Battery: If removable, take out the battery, protective case, SIM card, and memory card.
  3. Avoid Heat: Do not use a hair dryer, heat gun, or oven. These can damage sensitive components like camera mountings, earphone jacks, and charging ports.
  4. Skip the Rice: Placing your device in rice won’t stop corrosion and can delay proper restoration.
  5. Do Not Open It: Trying to disassemble your device without proper tools can cause irreparable damage.
  6. Bring It to Us Quickly: The sooner you bring your device to our repair shop, the better the chances of saving it. We have the tools and expertise to clean and restore your device, preventing further corrosion for $65–$75.

How Much Will It Cost to Repair My Device?

The cost for the cleaning service is $65.00 (paid in advance) for phones and tablets, and $75.00 for laptops and MacBooks. After cleaning, we will diagnose the device to see if further repair is needed. If you choose to proceed with the repair, the cleaning cost will be included in the total repair quote. If you opt not to repair, the cleaning fee will be retained as payment for the service. In some cases, cleaning alone is sufficient to get the device to power up, and no further charges will apply beyond the initial cleaning service.

After removing corrosion and oxidation, we perform a quick diagnosis to assess if the device can be fully restored or if data recovery is needed. If the device is non-repairable, our data recovery services can still retrieve your important information.

Trust OmniDataPlus for professional water damage repair and protect your valuable electronics.

After removing corrosion and oxidation, we perform a quick diagnosis to assess if the device can be fully restored or if data recovery is needed. If the device is non-repairable, our data recovery services can still retrieve your important information.

Water Damage Camera PCB
Liquid Damage Nikon Power supply PCB (less than 4 Hours after Incident)
Nikon Power supply board after restoration
Camera Power Supply PCB After water damage restoration


Liquid Damage Repair for All Devices

Laptops: We repair liquid-damaged laptops from all major brands and models, including Asus, HP, Dell, Acer, and Lenovo.

Apple Devices: We handle all MacBook models, including Air and Pro, as well as iPhones and iPads.

Phones: Our services cover all brands and models, with specialized expertise in Apple and Samsung devices.

Tablets: We repair liquid-damaged tablets from all major brands and models.

Cameras: We offer repair services for liquid-damaged cameras and action cameras.




In some cases, the damage to electronic components is so severe that the device becomes non-repairable. We cannot guarantee a successful repair even after proper cleaning. In such instances, you will only be charged for the cleaning service and not for the diagnosis or any subsequent repair efforts or parts.


At OmniDataPlus, we offer specialized micro-soldering and electronic repairs for most brands of phones and tablets. Our comprehensive services range from simple screen and battery replacements to advanced repairs like micro-soldering charge ports on iPads and replacing audio ICs on iPhones. We diagnose and repair failures on sandwich motherboards of iPhone X and up, fix non-working Face ID, and resolve boot looping issues on iPads.

Our skilled technicians possess the tools and knowledge to perform board-level analysis and repairs on all iPhones, iPads, and Samsung devices.

Devices We Typically Repair:

  • iPhone 12, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone X, Xs Max, Xr
  • iPhone 7, 8
  • iPhone 7 Audio IC Replacement/Repair
  • iPhone 6P Touch IC Replacement/Repair
  • iPhone 6 Searching/No Service
  • iPhone 6, 6S Blown Backlight Circuits
  • Any iPhone that does not turn on
  • Any iPhone data recovery
  • Any Samsung S Series phones and tablets


Is your desktop or laptop broken or won’t start? OmniDataPlus can help you get it repaired quickly. Our expert technicians diagnose the root cause, thoroughly check your device, and make all necessary repairs in a short time.

PC/Laptop Services We Offer:

  • Virus/Malware Removal: We eliminate unwanted ads, diagnose slowness and sluggish behavior, and clean your PC from potential viruses and malware.
  • Upgrade Services (Laptops and PCs): We perform hardware upgrades for most laptop models and PCs, including hard drives, SSDs, and RAM. Note: Some laptop brands have components (RAM/SSD) soldered to the main logic board and cannot be upgraded.
  • Migration Services Between Old and New PCs: Just purchased a new laptop or PC? We can help transfer your old data to your new system.
  • Data Recovery: Facing hard disk failures, a machine that won’t start, or strange errors? Our data recovery services can help retrieve your important data.

At OmniDataPlus, we have extensive experience with Apple products. When you bring your Mac to our shop, in many cases, we can diagnose the problem, provide a repair cost estimate, and estimate the repair time on the spot. For most diagnoses, there are no charges (except for liquid damage clean services). If your Mac has liquid damage, the cleaning service will be included in your repair quote, and you may need to leave it with us as these issues require detailed assessment.

Typical Problems with Macs:

  • Liquid Spill Damage
  • Keys/Keyboard Not Working
  • Not Turning On
  • Running Slow/Noisy Fans
  • Cracked Screen

Other issues we can repair: This list covers common issues, but we repair various other problems too. Bring your Mac Pro or older laptops to our shop, and we’ll strive to provide the best repair solutions.

Trusted Electronic Repair Services in the GTA

OmniDataPlus has proudly served the GTA and surrounding areas, earning a reputation for honest, professional, and courteous service. We prioritize your needs with guaranteed estimates and fast turnaround times to ensure you stay connected without disruption.

General Electronic Repair Services Include:

  • Car Keys and Fobs
  • Car ECM Modules
  • Other Electronic Devices (where spare parts are available)*

*Please note: We do not currently repair television sets or computer monitor

Liquid damage device cleaning is an additional service offered by OmniDataPlus, separate from repair services. After cleaning, we provide an estimate for any necessary repairs. Upon your approval, we proceed with the repair. If you decline the repair estimate, we reassemble your device and return it at no additional cost beyond the cleaning fee paid in advance.

Cleaning Service Prices:

  • Phone/Tablet: $65.00 (Paid in Advance)
  • Laptop: $75.00 (Paid in Advance)

Visit our Water Damage Repair section for more details on our cleaning services.

Disclaimer: In some cases, damage to electronic components may prevent successful repair even after cleaning. In such cases, you will only be charged for the cleaning service, with no additional fees for diagnosis or repair efforts/parts thereafter.

Signs you need GPU Repair

If you encounter any of these issues, your GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) may need repair:

  • No display on your monitor
  • Blurry, flickering, or low-resolution graphics
  • Need for a second monitor setup

Experience vibrant visuals while writing emails or watching cat videos with a reliable graphics card. GPUs are essential hardware that connect directly to your computer’s logic board, managing vast amounts of graphics data from your device to your monitor. If you encounter issues like irritating flickering or the dreaded black screen of oblivion, it’s likely a problem with your GPU. Trust our experts at OmniDataPlus to diagnose and repair GPU issues. Contact us today for a free estimate on repair costs.

Advanced Video Card Repair Services

Video cards are significant and sophisticated devices within your computer setup. These components manage extensive graphics data flow to your monitor, powered by their own dedicated processors and high-speed VRAM memory. Essential for vibrant visual experiences, they include heat dissipation systems to manage their intensive workload. Common issues requiring repair include irritating flickering, artifacts on the screen, or the device not displaying any graphics. Trust OmniDataPlus for expert diagnosis and repair of video card issues. Contact us today for a free estimate on repair costs

Like Any Electronic Equipment, Video Cards Frequently Fail

Video cards are often a critical component susceptible to wear and tear in your computer setup. Depending on the intensity of your graphics demands, video cards endure considerable strain. Issues such as heatsink failure, soldering point corrosion or melting, and failures in VRAM and support circuits can emerge over time. Even if your video card currently operates flawlessly, prolonged heavy usage can accelerate signs of potential failure within just a couple of years. When these issues arise, timely diagnosis and expert repair can extend the lifespan and performance of your video card. OmniDataPlus experts can diagnose and repair when needed 

Like Any Other Device, Video Cards Vary in Quality and Configuration

Video cards, or graphics cards, are not uniform devices within your computer system. These sophisticated components vary widely in type and configuration, catering to diverse levels of graphics processing power. From basic display adapters to high-performance GPUs utilized in gaming and professional applications, video cards are essential for delivering smooth visuals and optimizing overall computing performance. This understanding is crucial for selecting the ideal video card that meets your specific requirements and enhances your computer setup’s capabilities. OmniDataPlus experts can help you with that.

My Display Isn’t Working: What Should I Do?

If your display isn’t functioning properly, troubleshooting steps can help diagnose and resolve the issue. Start by checking your connections—ensure cables are securely plugged in and inspect for any damage. Next, verify that drivers are correctly installed and up to date. If problems persist, especially with symptoms like flickering or a blank screen, professional assistance may be necessary. At OmniDataPlus, our experts can diagnose and repair display issues promptly.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you’re fortunate, following the above steps may resolve your graphics issues. However, if problems persist, it likely involves hardware and requires expert assistance to resolve. If you consistently experience issues like flickering screens or blackouts, your video card may need repair or replacement. Trust OmniDataPlus for expert diagnosis and effective solutions to ensure your system performs reliably.

Common Video Card Issues

  • Stuttering: Your screen stops and starts abruptly, causing animations to appear jumpy.
  • Artifacts: You notice strange shapes, light effects, or frozen areas on your screen.
  • Crashes: Your computer crashes entirely during graphics-intensive tasks.

These issues often indicate underlying problems with your video card. Contact OmniDataPlus for expert diagnosis and repair services to resolve these issues promptly and effectively.

Comprehensive Diagnostic Services

At OmniDataPlus, we conduct thorough diagnostics to pinpoint issues affecting your device’s performance.

Save Time and Money with Comprehensive Diagnostics

This is why choosing OmniDataPlus can be a smart investment! Instead of jumping to costly equipment replacements, we begin with a thorough diagnostic on our specialized test bench. You’ll only pay for our time to cover the diagnostic service. This approach is invaluable as it helps us rule out other potential issues before considering hardware repairs. If a simple and cost-effective solution exists, we’ll identify it, saving you both time and money.

Professional Electronic Graphics Card Repair Services

Working with OmniDataPlus gives you a significant advantage. Our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment enable us to perform intricate electronic repairs on graphics cards. Depending on the issue, our skilled technicians can often restore functionality without the need for expensive replacements. If a repair offers a more cost-effective solution than replacing your graphics card, we’ll present that option to you.

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