Q: Can my Device be fully Fixed after Liquid Damage?

Category: iPhone/Samsung Repair and Data Recovery


All Devices can be fixed after suffering water damage, it all depends very much on what you will do after the incident, if you will put your device in rice, in the hope that this will save your device, while delaying an actual repair that will actually take care of the oxidation and corrosion process, the chances of getting your device to start are reduced by large percentile,

Liquid penetrates different device models in different ways, and can affect some parts more than others. in most cases we will mark the affected parts, replace them if necessary, treat and stop the corrosion and oxidation(rusting) process, and try to get your device up and running. We utilize our equipment and skills to micro-solder and replace bad components on your device logic board troubleshooting and replacing surface mount components to remove any electronic problems presented (i.e. shorts, blown fuses, etc) thus making the device working again. 

In many cases stopping the oxidation process and cleaning the logic board is enough to get the device working again without needing any further repairs and for that to be the case , the time to get the device to our lab is critical.

Q: Can my Device be fully Fixed after Liquid Damage?
Q: Can my Device be fully Fixed after Liquid Damage?
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