Q: I accidentally broke My USB flash drive connector, can I get my data back ?

Category: Data Recovery

A:YES, but it depends on the extent of the damage to electronic components within that thumb drive

Practically in many cases we can solder the connector back, and get the thumb drive working again, as long as the traces (small microscopic conductive lines that connect the components to each other) are intact and the Electronic components are not damaged, in many cases we can either solder back the actual broken connector or connect a new one to the broken traces and get the data off the flash drive,

If you need Data recovery from Thumb drives, we at OmnidataPlus have both the tolls and the knowledge to help you, feel free to call us for a free consultation at (647) 490-4144 or come and visit us at 61 Alness St, North York, Unit 201A, Toronto, or go to www.omnidataplus.com to get instructions on how to get your drive for recovery services

Q: I accidentally broke My USB flash drive connector, can I get my data back ?
Q: I accidentally broke My USB flash drive connector, can I get my data back ?
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