Q: I dropped my portable drive on the floor, now my laptop does not recognize it, Can I get my Data back ?

Category: Data Recovery

A: YES you can, however it depends on some factors

Data recovery success is affected by many factors , Drive make and model, Storage size, is the drive making any strange noises? , does the drive being recognized by the computer?, etc.

Drive failures are divided into 3 main categories, Logical failures, Disk level failures, Drive level failures, attributed also to severity of problems and data recovery chances of success, with logical failures being the easier to resolve giving better chances to get data recovered, all the way to Drive level failure (Mechanical Rebuild of drive and specialized tools and knowledge needed to gain a path to data), price to the end user associated with these level of failures are aligned very much to the level of work needed to get the drive to a readable state, with Logical being normally on the cheaper side and Drive level problems being on the more expensive side to recover data from.

100 Level 3 micron, Clean Air Workstation for Data Recovery Mechanical Drive Repair

Accidental deletion of files or accidental formatting of the whole drive, are the most common problems on the logical side of data recovery, Drive Clicking or making screeching noises are attributed to mechanical failure within the Drive and these will require mechanical rebuild and work to get access to any type of data on the drive, and typically higher end user data recovery costs are associated with this type of work,

40% of Data Recovery cases are attributed to logical drive failures, the Next approx 40% are Disk Level problems, with rest (20%) of the cases that makes up the Drive level Failures, approx 95% of Computer repair shops these days, will offer some type of logical data recovery services, Most of them do not have the specific know how and (expensive) tools needed for resolving the Disk and Drive level cases, and in many cases will take your case to a 3rd party that can provide these services( without your knowledge or agreement), making recovery both more expensive for you (as the shop will take its cut from offering you the service) and privacy issues by exposing your data to a non related 3rd party that you are not dealing with directly and has no obligation to preserve your privacy, ( in many cases this has being done without even informing you the customer)

Here at OmniDataPlus have the full stack of tools and experience in dealing with all 3 types of failures, including of all your Laptop repair needs, we take your privacy extremely seriously and obligated to keep your Privacy and sensitive data no matter what.

Please contact us by Phone at (647) 490-4144, or come and visit us at 61 Alness St, North York , Unit 201A, Toronto 9AM to 6PM, Monday to Friday, or go to www.omnidataplus.com and get instruction on how to send us your laptop/Hard Drive for evaluation/repair

Q: I dropped my portable drive on the floor, now my laptop does not recognize it, Can I get my Data back ?
Q: I dropped my portable drive on the floor, now my laptop does not recognize it, Can I get my Data back ?
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